To capitalize on the technical capabilities unique to Glow, there was an early push from marketing and leadership to develop activities to highlight things that only the Glow can do.
Tangrams is the first activity that we developed under this initiative. Using Glow’s ability to recognize and track physical objects in the projected space. We created plastic tiles (called Glowbits) that kids could use to solve puzzles in real space.
My Team Was Responsible For:
designing the visual flow of the experience
early proof of concept prototyping
production of a video to get buy-in from stakeholders
working with developers to create and test of a vertical slice of the game
end to end Visual design of the experience
production of all design and motion content for the first 7 levels and 49 puzzles
oversight of final build with an external vendor
Based on data that was collected about weekly play for our activities, Tangrams was by far our most popular game. It also got stellar customer reviews on the site and was a large part of the product’s 4.5 star rating
“Honestly I am addicted to this game and play it without my kids. Lots of fun! My kids love the animation after solving a puzzle.”
— Amazon review from a customer
The proof of concept video that we made to get buy-in from leadership. Recognize the “talent”?